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School Uniform

Borrow Wood Primary School is a uniform wearing school.


The children need to wear a navy blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan worn with grey or black trousers/shorts/skirts/pinafores with a white polo shirt. Blue and white checked dresses can be worn in summer.


Sensible dark coloured shoes should be worn as part of the uniform. This includes plain dark trainers as we want to encourage children to be running around and keeping fit at break and lunch time. Please ensure the trainers are a plain dark colour. No other trainers will be accepted as uniform. In summer the children can wear sandals with socks - this is to protect their toes!


All items of clothing need to be marked with the child’s name. (We regularly have piles of unnamed uniform - it all looks the same so we are not in a position to return it to its owner).


Children do NOT have to wear school logo polo shirts or sweatshirts/cardigans. Plain items are acceptable. We have a successful 'Pop-Up Uniform Shop' with second-hand uniform items available free of charge  - Please click here for further information.



For PE children need to wear dark coloured shorts, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of plimsolls/trainers. PE kit should be labelled and kept in a small bag. (This includes plimsolls and trainers).

No designer of logo shorts or t shirts should be worn as PE kit.


Long hair must be tied back for all PE activities.


FS2 and KS1 children should wear black plimsolls for games activities indoors and outdoors.


KS 2 children should wear trainers or plimsolls for indoor and outdoor games.


Children will be expected to do PE activities outside and therefore may need a dark coloured tracksuit or fleece top and jogging bottoms when it is chilly.


If your child is well enough to attend school but unable to take part in PE, please inform us in writing.  This ensures that children only miss lessons with your approval. If children repeatedly come to school without kit, you will be contacted by school and be asked to bring PE kit into school.



Children are permitted to wear one set of small stud earrings at school.  These should be taken out by the child during PE. Recently pierced ears should be covered with tape during PE lessons until they can be removed.


Purchasing Borrow Wood School uniform on line

You can buy uniform directly from Morley's online by clicking on the link below.

