Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for Physical Education
At Borrow Wood Primary School, Physical Education (PE) is an integral part of our broad and balanced curriculum and we strive to create a culture which aims to inspire an active generation to enjoy PE, make progress and achieve their potential.
We provide the highest possible standard of education that builds children’s knowledge, skills and confidence in a wide range of sports and physical activities year on year. This enables them to embark on the next stage of their educational journey with everything they need to be successful.
Our PE curriculum is shaped by our school ethos, CHOICE. Within our lessons we promote inclusion, for example through playing by rules, respecting others and making physical education accessible for all. Children are challenged to demonstrate resilience and encouraged to try their best in the pursuit of excellence. Finally, through our teaching we promote emotional intelligence, where children are encouraged to take ownership for their behaviours, showing care and support for one another during lessons.
We aim to further enhance our PE offer by sharing good practice within the Odyssey Collaborative Trust, collaborating on such things as PE planning, good practice within subject leadership and working together to organise sporting events or competitions.
PE is taught from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) up to year six.
In the Early Years, staff follow the EYFS Statutory Framework. Physical Development is one of the Prime Areas of Learning and underpins the development of other skills such as reading, writing and attention. Children are given the opportunity to engage in a wide range of practical activities and practise specific skills including balancing, climbing, jumping, throwing and catching, kicking and moving in a range of ways. These activities help children to develop physically by focussing on core strength and coordination and fine and gross motor skills.
In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, the PE curriculum is mainly taught through the Rising Stars Champions scheme, which meets the National Curriculum requirements. Teachers are able to tailor the lessons to meet the needs of their children. Lessons are taught twice per week both indoors and outdoors depending on the particular focus.
In KS1 children build on the fundamental movement skills taught in EYFS and aim to master basic skill movements such as running, throwing, jumping and catching as well as beginning to develop balance, agility and coordination through dance and gymnastics. Children are introduced to simple team games and as well as individual sports. A healthy life style is taught through science in Year 2, building on prior knowledge from EYFS.
In KS2 children develop an understanding of how to improve and evaluate themselves and others. There is a bigger focus on both competition against themselves or other children in a range of sports. Communication and collaboration are aspects of learning which are woven into the structure of our PE plans and children are encouraged to recognise their improvements and success.
Underpinning the delivery of our lessons is our STEP approach. This helps us to tailor activities and lessons to individual children. STEP is an acronym for Space, Time, Equipment and People. By changing any of these aspects we can increase the challenge for those most able pupils or support pupils who initially find a skill difficult. Teachers use this approach to enable children to access their expected learning and reach their potential and this ensures our PE curriculum is fully inclusive.
Swimming lessons take place in KS2 and focus on helping children to competently, confidently and proficiently swim at least 25m before they leave primary school.
Our PE curriculum is further enhanced by:
- Orienteering on a bespoke course installed on our school site
- Cycling. This is something we see as an important life skill and so we use our links with Cycle Derby to provide children with the chance to develop their cycling skills through a broad range of opportunities such as Bike-ability, cyclo-cross and track cycling at the velodrome.
- Outdoor and adventurous residential in Year 6
- An annual competitive sports day for all age groups
- Clubs such as athletics, cricket, football and netball.
In addition, through the local sports partnership, children have the opportunity to take part in a broad range of competitive events during the school year with other schools, including cricket, football, cross-country and sports hall athletics. These opportunities enable children to work as part of a team, learn about winning and losing and develop motivation and resilience.
At Borrow Wood we measure the impact of our PE lessons through end of unit assessments, learning walks to observe the children in action and pupil interviews. Importantly, the impact of lessons is also monitored on an on-going basis within the lessons themselves.
By the time children leave Borrow Wood, they will have mastered the skills required for the next stage of their education. We will also have helped foster an enjoyment of sport and physical activity which becomes part of their future life beyond their educational journey.
All children should be able to discuss the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how this is achieved as well as develop skills that underpin life such as team work, sportsmanship, self-motivation, resilience and independence.