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Medication and First Aid

School does not provide medication and most bumps will be treated with a cold compress. We always have at least one nominated Paediatric First Aider on the premises. If your child has a more serious bump, he or she will be given a letter to take home, explaining the circumstances and the treatment provided.


If children need medication during the school day, we request that parents either come into school to administer it, or complete a Medicine Parental Consent Form, available from the school office or as a download at the bottom of this page, which allows a member of staff to supervise or administer the medicine. Any difficulties should be discussed with the Headteacher.


Should a child have a serious injury, parents would be contacted immediately. Where an ambulance is called and the parent either cannot be contacted or cannot come immediately, a familiar adult would accompany the child and stay until the parent/carer arrives at the hospital.


Children who suffer from asthma need to keep their inhaler in a designated place in their classroom. The inhaler should be clearly marked with the child’s name. Parents need to complete the Medicine Parental Consent Form. Our Approved First Aiders will supervise children’s self administration of inhalers at lunchtime, if it is required.
