Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for Mathematics
At Borrow Wood Primary School, we promote a positive culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths. We want our pupils to experience success and to develop life-long enjoyment and curiosity of the subject. This aligns closely with our school ethos of promoting challenge and excellence.
Teachers ensure that our pupils recognise the importance of maths in the world around them and its use and purpose in every day life. We want our pupils to have an ability to apply their prior knowledge and skills when making connections between different areas of maths and across the broader curriculum.
We recognise that pupils need to master key concepts and embed the building blocks of mathematical understanding. We want our pupils to become fluent with number and be able to reason mathematically so that when presented with a line of enquiry or problem to solve, they are able to justify and present their understanding using a range of efficient mathematical strategies and appropriate language.
To ensure this happens, we deliver a progressive curriculum that is accessible to all pupils and builds sequentially, with defined endpoints across year groups.
We have an ambitious mathematics curriculum closely aligned to the National Curriculum. We have adopted the White Rose scheme as a planning tool. This is a blocked scheme which allows for depth and breadth of learning within each strand of maths. Teachers tailor the sequence and content of lessons to suit the needs of their pupils, providing support, scaffold, challenge and review within each lesson supplemented with the use of additional resources such Headstart Primary, NCETM and nRich. Key skills and progression for maths have been mapped across the school from Foundation Stage to Year 6.
Daily assessment for learning is used in lessons to identify the needs of individual children with misconceptions being addressed in same day interventions. Children are further supported with their maths learning in school and at home with the use of KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts).
Early Years
In the foundation stage children are taught maths through the mathematics educational programme set out in the EYFS statutory framework and supported by Development Matters.
A strong grounding in number is developed through a daily maths lesson focusing on counting confidently, developing a deep understanding of numbers to 10 and numerical patterns. Children are provided with frequent and varied opportunities to build and apply this understanding using manipulatives and mathematical vocabulary. Opportunities are also planned to develop spatial reasoning skills across all areas of mathematics including shape, space and measures.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Children are taught maths daily following a sequence of learning that builds through the week and includes counting, multiplication and related facts and answering arithmetic questions to develop fluency. Children engage with a wide range of concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations and abstract methodologies within each session. Mastery and deepening understanding tasks are included in every lesson enabling children to apply their learning.
Mathematical vocabulary is discussed with and explained to children, who are then encouraged to use it independently when talking about maths.
To supplement our learning at Borrow Wood, children have access to Times Table Rock Stars where they can practise their times tables and earn badges when they have mastered each milestone.
We measure the impact of our maths curriculum through formative and summative assessments throughout the school year. As our pupils transition through school and onto secondary school education, they will:
- Be fluent, competent and efficient mathematicians
- Be able to quickly recall facts and procedures
- Be able to make connections in maths and apply them in everyday life
- Be able to explain and justify their reasoning and thought processes
- Continue to have a positive learning attitude and enjoyment of maths
- Leave our school at the end of KS2 prepared for the next step in their mathematical education.
Formative assessment takes place on a daily basis and teachers adjust planning accordingly to meet the needs of their class, including planning same day interventions.
Summative Assessments take place at the end of each term using PIXL materials. Children’s progress and attainment are analysed and inform discussions at pupil progress meetings and next steps in planning.