Behaviour at Borrow Wood
Borrow Wood Primary School Positive Behaviour Statement
Borrow Wood Primary School is a caring community, whose values are built on honesty, mutual respect, consideration and responsibility. It follows that acceptable standards of behaviour are those that reflect these values. Effective teaching and learning for all can only take place in a well-ordered, safe environment. This policy has been devised to ensure that the environment provided for children at Borrow Wood Primary School enables them to benefit from the educational opportunities offered to them. The behaviour policy is the result of consultation with pupils, parents, governors and staff. It reflects current practice within the school. Children have contributed to the behaviour policy through class discussions and through PSHE lessons.
We believe that clear behaviour expectations with appropriate rewards and consequences are fundamental to children achieving their best at school and its fair and consistent implementation is the responsibility of all staff. We also acknowledge the role that we play in supporting the mental health and well-being of children and have developed whole school strategies as well as bespoke approaches to meet particular needs.
How does it work?
Our Behaviour Management Strategy is based on recognising and rewarding positive ‘GREEN’ behaviours and responding to unwanted ‘AMBER, RED and GREY’ behaviours in a consistent and timely way.
Children start the day on THE OWLSTANDING CHART on ‘Ready to Learn’ and GREEN behaviours are rewarded throughout the day.
Pegs move up the chart for a wide range of behaviours linked to our ethos of CHOICE, including:
- Showing resilience, perseverance and setting goals
- Being honest and trustworthy
- Showing positive learning behaviours such as being independent, working collaboratively, taking on extra responsibilities
- Treating others kindly and valuing everyone equally
- Caring about others and showing empathy
- Recognising sustained individual effort pushing themselves to their limits
Pegs move down the chart in response to amber, red or grey behaviours. Our aim is to work closely with parents in a timely way to formulate a plan to support the child in making changes to their behaviour. This will often involve home/school communication in a format agreed in discussion with parents/carers and the child, including email, behaviour chart, communication book.
To download a version for home click on THE OWLSTANDING CHART file below.