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Online Safety for Children

Online Safety for Children by Children

Our wonderful i-Vengers team were set the task of revamping this page of the school website to provide their peers with resources needed to keep them safe and to sign-post them to websites that offer advice on how to stay safe online.


The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin

The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin is a series of six stories for use with 3 to 7 year olds to help explore life online and understand how and when to ask for help.

In each of the stories below, Smartie the Penguin encounters three different scenarios. Each time, learners are encouraged to talk about what has happened, and explain what they think Smartie should do and why. In every story, learners are also asked to join in with Smartie’s special song, to help him make his decisions!


The i-Vengers wanted to share the ChildNet website. It is a brilliant website aimed at 4 to 11 year olds that answers a lot of questions that children may have such as:

  • How much time should I spend online?
  • How old do I need to be to use social media?
  • What do I need to know about sharing things online?

Understanding Age Ratings

The i-Vengers felt it was important to share about age ratings so then children can make an informed decision about what they should be accessing in the online world.


The team found the really helpful picture below that shows you when children should be accessing different apps or online platforms.


The i-Vengers wanted to sign-post children to the BBC website, which has lots of helpful information about age ratings and what they mean.
