Remote Learning Offer
Remote Learning
Remote learning will only ever be considered as a last resort where a decision has already been made that attendance at school is not possible but pupils are able to continue learning. This may mean a class/cohort/whole school due to specific circumstances. If restricting attendance for pupils is the only viable option, remote education will be provided to help pupils stay on track with their the education they would normally receive.
This will be done through class Microsoft Teams and links to online learning platforms such as Oak National Academy, BBC, The Natural History Museum, Science Museum and others depending on the topic being taught or learning focus.
Work will be set in line with what the children are learning at the time.
Should children need devices to access learning at home, parents/carers should contact school and a school device will be supplied.
There may be limited circumstances where an individual pupil is unable to attend school but is able and well enough to continue their learning remotely. These circumstances should only involve short-term absence. If this should be required, school would discuss appropriate education provision depending on the circumstances, age and needs of the pupil.